Please Support Us!
Whether it be a gift in memory of a loved one, a donation as a grateful patient, regular giving or a lasting legacy either now or in your will, all gifts - both large and small - are gratefully accepted and appreciated.
You could choose to host your own fundraiser, arrange workplace giving, become a proud sponsor, or even volunteer - all amazing ways to become a part of the Family.
If you would like more information on how to get involved, please call the Foundation on 4215 8900.
Whilst the donor is always in control on how their money will be directed to assist our health service, please visit HERE to see some of the current focus causes and the impact your donation may have.
Regular Giving
Regular gifts allow you to support the work of the Barwon Health Foundation and provide you with a way of planning your giving through the year in one simple step.
Community Fundraising
If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser for your local service, we would love to hear from you! Sausage sizzles, markets, casual dress sales, cake bakes – you name it, you can do it!
Workplace Giving
Through workplace giving, employees can select a charity nominated by their employer that they want to support, specifying a regular donation to be taken from their salary before tax each pay cycle.
Leave a Gift in Your Will
Give the gift of good health!
A planned gift is a special way to support Barwon Health, and create a lasting legacy.
In Memoriam
Funeral donations made in memory of a loved one, can be directed to a specific cause or service area within Barwon Health as a lasting gift and in recognition of the care provided.
In Celebration Giving
Good health is worth celebrating, and something everyone deserves. A selfless act can go a long way to giving someone the best chance at being healthy.
Leadership Circle
The Leadership Circle brings together like-minded individuals and entities who understand the social responsibility that we all have for a common philanthropic goal: supporting excellent patient care, providing the best medical equipment and allowing the world class research teams at Barwon Health to flourish.
Lasting Legacy Fund
All donations go towards our Lasting Legacy Fund which will be invested to grow, to ensure the very best health care for the future.
Building an Endowment
A significant priority of the Barwon Health Foundation Board, and as supported by many local philanthropists, is to build an endowment that will generate funds to support our region’s health service and research needs in perpetuity.
Sponsorship & Corporate Partners
Our Partners share our passion for health and work closely with the Barwon Health Foundation to build a happier, healthier future for the people of our community.
Volunteer! Volunteer!
Throughout the year we have over 400 volunteer roles available at events and community fundraisers in Geelong and surrounding areas.
Foundation Family
The Foundation Family allows the Barwon Health Foundation the opportunity to develop a close connection with our community – our past patients, families and those who simply feel pride in our city having a magnificent health facility right on our doorstep.