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We believe that every act of kindness makes a difference in the lives of those who rely on our services.
There are many meaningful ways to support our work and help us provide exceptional care to those in need.
Whether through regular giving, creating a lasting legacy with a planned gift, making a donation in memory of a loved one, or dedicating your time and skills as a volunteer, your generosity can make a lasting impact.
We'd love to chat to you about ways we can make a real difference in the community, and together, we can continue to provide compassionate care and support to those who need it most.
Regular Giving
Regular gifts allow you to support the work of the Barwon Health Foundation and enhance your impact in one simple step. Become part of our Foundation Family.
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Community Fundraising
Sausage sizzles, markets, casual dress sales, cake bakes – you name it, you can do it! If you are interested in hosting a fundraiser for your local service, we would love to hear from you!
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Hosting An Event
Join our growing list of group and committees hosting their own events to support the health of our community. From Gala Balls to Golf Days we're here to support you in your fundraising. Share your idea...
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Leave a Gift in your Will
Give the gift of good health. A planned gift is a special way to support Barwon Health, and create a lasting legacy.
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In Memorium + In Celebration
Give a gift in honor of a loved one. Set up a individual page and share with family and friends to support a chosen area of our lcoal health service. Create your page now, or call us to learn more.
Lasting Legacy
All donations go towards our Lasting Legacy Fund which will be invested to grow, to ensure the very best health care for the future.
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Work Place Giving + Corporate Partnerships
Our Partners share our passion for health and work closely with the Barwon Health Foundation to build a happier, healthier future for the people of our community. If you to share this passion please get in touch.
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Attending An Event
We are proud to host some of Geelong's favourite events including Geelong's Longest Lunch, Catwalk4Cancer and Run4Geelong all of which support the lifechanging anf liufe enhancing work of Barwon Health.
Upcoming Events
We look to fill over 400 volunteer roles each year in support of our events and community fundraisers across the Geelong and surrounding areas. If you are looking to give back, we'd love to hear from you.
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